
  1. Borsch, 2019

    Yuliya lives in a Russian provincial town Kolchugino, one of a thousand of the same in Russia. Over the past 20 years, little has changed here - the mentality of people has remained the same, buildings, salaries. But the views and dreams of adolescents about their future are becoming bigger.
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  2. tag me if you use my pics

    It is unlikely that in the modern world there is an anti-addiction to social networks — an obsession with communication in real life. How can you be addicted to social communication — one of the basic human needs?
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  3. Bus stop, 2018

    This photo was taken at the end of July 2018. Then just started taking pictures with a camera. I had a group in Russian social media VKontakte and placed my photos there. Basically, I photographed what I saw around me - streets, nature, friends. That summer I visited my grandmother who lives in a Russian village (I live in the Netherlands), and then I saw the differences between these countries, I photographed a lot of the Russian post-Soviet places and asked my friend Ilya to be a model for my portrait shoots. 
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